About Me:
I am a Certified Herbalist from Dominion Herbal College – Canada and, Tea sommelier from the Tea & Herbal Association of Canada.
I deliver seminars to adults, children and organize workshops, activities and educational excursions in parts of Greece with botanical interest and remarkable geophysical diversity.
In 2016 I created the Academy of Botany and Aromatherapy, with the belief that the use of essential oils and herbs should be accessible to all. The purpose of the courses is the transmission of knowledge about the world of botany and aromatherapy.
My favorite activity is the herb cooking workshops.
Traditional recipes with pure Mediterranean ingredients, traditional preparation, dishes flavoured and cooked with herbs.
A new children’s (seminar) cycle has kicked off “Kids Cook, Mom’s Learn”. Along with my sister Georgia Triantou – nutritionist, we teach the art of home Mediterranean cooking and the way children and moms will be together (co-exist, work together,) in the home kitchen.
Children learn by touching, tasting, feeling, smelling, observing, reading and listening.
- Through the pure Mediterranean ingredients, flavoured with herbs, children are taught a healthy way of eating.
- Parents learn how to choose the ideal sustainable ingredients for their daily food consumption and how to process them daily.
- They get to know the ideal combinations of food, herbs and cooking in order to stimulate their bodies.
- Through play and cooking, the child gets to know his food and new delightful tastes flavoured with herbs.
- Moms learns to enjoy cooking with their children and how to both enjoy a healthy life.
- Child and mother meet (co-exist) in the Mediterranean kitchen
I am editor-in-chief and creator of “thalli magazine”, an online platform dedicated to botany, essential oils and aromatherapy,
Editor of the online culture and art magazine Elculture for the Plant stories column, for the natura.gr magazine and the Hellenic Kitchen magazine – BHMA newspaper.
I am very happy to participate in Eudaimonia Tourism because our love and passion for the importance of the Greek flora, tradition and culture connects us. My vision is to convey to children the importance and knowledge of Greek herbs. My purpose is that children get to know traditional and safe ways of herbs use in different destinations.